We want every body's participation to make MUHIM a successful program and direct our thinking towards productive and constructive outcome, so that our society can become peaceful.

Youth awareness and their involvement to understand our social constitution is our major concern and we are doing workshops on emotional, moral and social intelligence with students for that. we are not only doing theory programme but also whatever they study they will do it in the field. We all have studied that “Paropkar Me Sukhahai" "Sewa Parmo Dharma" but we have not experienced it. So, any theory without practical is a waste.

Our one of the objectives is to search the hidden potentials, nurture and promote them because we are losing our upcoming talents that are wealth of our country and we cannot afford to get it waste. Therefore, it's our duty to nurture and promote the hidden talents that can be recognized by new tool like Multiple Intelligence Test, We will be collaborating with schools for those who wish to study but their families cannot afford, so that, they should also get right to education.

Why our country is lacking in searching talent instead of India being a treasure box of talent. We have only four Indian Oscar winners those are A R Rahman,  Resul Pookutty,  Satyajit Ray and Bhanu Athdiya. The Nobel Prizes first awarded in 1901 and only six citizens of India ever awarded the Nobel Prize. In Olympics, since 1900, just nine gold medals, six silver and eleven bronze, so a total of just twenty six medals! We have just three-Man Booker Prize (of which Kiran Desai lives in USA). Therefore, our action is to bring changes, transform India into better India because "To improve is to change; often, “to be perfect is to change.” Zindagi Tujhe Salaam is to sow seeds enabling individual transformation, which will lead to transmutation of India and eventually world redemption.

Facet I: Change the entire system of Parenting by conducting

• Workshops in schools,
• Society campus,
• Meeting out personally
• Doing plays on awareness on parenting,
• Doing activity to let them know about their child by organising competitions.

Facet II: Bringing out the hidden talent from rural as well as urban areas by giving them the

• Opportunities,
• conducting surveys,
• Promoting their talent by funding and taking them to their aree of interest.
• Playing Nutkad Natek on streets

Cycle Rally & 100 guitar symphony

The Awaking(Rock Show)

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